When I was creating my Labor Day Round Up post, I realized one of my favorite grilling recipes was conspicuously missing. My friends and I love to soak pineapple in a rum-sugar mixture, heat it on the … [Read more...]
Labor Day Round Up
Labor Day is only a week away, which means people around the country are in search of the best ways to celebrate the end of summer with their friends and family. I rounded up some of my past posts … [Read more...]
Grilled Duck with Warm Mushroom Salad and Truffle Vinaigrette
Happy Memorial Day weekend! Grilling is synonymous with Memorial Day in my mind, so I was so happy to receive a Grilling Cookbook from Cooking Light a few days ago. The cookbook: Cooking Light Way to … [Read more...]
Spicy Moroccan Chicken Skewers
I know, I know. I really need to up my chicken recipes. Cooking Light must realize this too because they had a recipe for Spicy Moroccan Chicken Skewers that I couldn't pass up. The original recipe … [Read more...]
Grilled Salmon and Brown Butter Couscous
Salmon and couscous were just made for each other, don't you think? They are also the perfect choices for a weeknight meal, you're sure to get food on the table in no time. Cooking Light's latest … [Read more...]
Grilled Tomato Orzo Salad in a Tomato Bowl
We have been having such a warm spring in Philadelphia. So if the weather is going to pretend it is summer, I will as well! To me, summer means tomatoes, corn, pesto, pasta salad, and of course, … [Read more...]
Grilled Striped Bass with Bacon Vinaigrette Red Smashed Potatoes and Sauteed Butter Thyme Mushrooms
Grilled Striped Bass with Bacon Vinaigrette Red Smashed Potatoes and Sauteed Butter Thyme Mushrooms. Whew. By the time you say the title of this post you could have cooked most of this meal. Fish is a … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Gourmet Turkey Burger with Island Slaw from Positively Cooking
I have another amazing guest post for you today! Adrienne, from Positively Cooking, agreed to share one of her delicious recipes with us. Positively Cooking is chock full of delicious and nutritious … [Read more...]
Goat Cheese Stuffed Lamb Burgers
Oh yes, you read that correctly. A delicious grilled lamb burger, with goat cheese inside. I have been craving Goat Cheese Stuffed Lamb Burgers for a good week now and finally managed to find ground … [Read more...]
Grilled Rosemary Swordfish with Vegetable Couscous
I apologize for the lack of posts! Like many, I've spent the past week doing a whole lot of eating, but not necessarily cooking. My parents gave me a nifty panini pan for the stove which also doubles … [Read more...]
Southwestern Burgers with Chipotle Sweet Potato Fries & Chili Aioli
The high humidity continues in Philadelphia so I decided to just give in and have a summery meal. I made this inside on a grill pan, but the burger can be made on an outdoor grill just as easily. I … [Read more...]
Balsamic Bruschetta Chicken
I honestly don't know why I don't make more dinners that involve chicken. I guess I just never have any on hand. This week, we were celebrating one of my friend's birthdays by making her dinner and we … [Read more...]
Pulled Chicken Sandwiches
It's difficult to not associate barbecues with Labor Day weekend. The unofficial end of summer is usually spent the same way summer began on Memorial Day: relaxing (preferably at a beach) and enjoying … [Read more...]
Baba Ghannouj
My CSA share came with eggplant this week. My mind went immediately to Baba Ghannouj, which is sort of like hummus with eggplant substituted for the chickpeas. The eggplant is grilled or baked before … [Read more...]
Grilled Corn with Chipotle-Lime Butter
After reading just the title, how could you not be excited for this recipe? Grilled corn is one of my favorite treats in the summer, and I refuse to let my city dwelling keep me from it! I cooked this … [Read more...]