Note: I was sent a coupon for a Kerrygold Product through Cooking Light Bloggers’ Connection. Opinions are mine alone. We've had a rainy few days around Philly. Whenever there is crummy weather, … [Read more...]
Spinach-Chive Potato Bites with Kerrygold Cheese and Butter
You can always find the signature gold wrapping with green logo in my fridge. Kerrygold is my go-to butter brand for when butter quality is key. My favorite way to use it though is just on a slice of … [Read more...]
Clover Cocktail
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I have already shared an Irish-themed main meal, bread, baked good, and sweet treat so I thought this time around a drink was in order, this Clover Cocktail! Fine Wine … [Read more...]
Irish Soda Bread
Happy St. Patrick's Day! One of my favorite memories growing up was my mom making Irish Soda bread during March. It is a fairly straightforward bread and is really quite easy. The bread uses … [Read more...]
Slow Cooker Corned Beef and Cabbage
St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner, which means Americans nationwide are gearing up for a corned beef and cabbage feast. Despite being Irish-American myself, I've never eaten this St. … [Read more...]
Irish Potato Candy
I am Irish, on my father's side. So, more appropriately, I'm Irish American (among other things). Even more specifically, I am Irish Philadelphian. (Yes, I may have made that phrase up. But there are … [Read more...]
Black and Tan Brownies
I mentioned these delicious brownies in my "A Taste of Ireland" post over the weekend. They were so yummy that I thought they deserved their own post. Also, because it's technically two brownie … [Read more...]
A Taste of Ireland
With St. Patrick's Day fast approaching I have been thinking back to my trip to Ireland quite a bit. I had such a great time that I wanted to relive a little piece of it, through food of course! I was … [Read more...]
Irish Stew
I joined a food swap, and the first swap is coming up next week, so I decided to make Irish Stew. While researching Irish Stew, I couldn't find a recipe I liked, so I decided to wing … [Read more...]
Guinness Cupcakes with Baileys Frosting
With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, I wanted to test out my recipe for Guinness Cupcakes with Baileys Frosting before the big day to make sure it didn't need any tweaking. Guinness … [Read more...]