I never seem to eat all my bananas before they get too ripe. I know the go-to saver for over ripe bananas is banana bread, but I wanted to use them for something a little different. Cooking Light had … [Read more...]
Day After Halloween Brownies
If you're like every other American adult the day after Halloween, you have a whole lot of random candy sitting in your house. My guess is you either 1. want to get rid of it ASAP or 2. consume it all … [Read more...]
Bread Pudding with Peanut Butter-ROOT Sauce and Sliced Bananas
I have wanted to make bread pudding for a long time. But I've been too lazy to actually search for inspiration. So when the "How to Cook Like A Top Chef" cookbook literally showed up on my door step … [Read more...]
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread
At the request of a coworker (and by request I mean he brought in cans of pumpkin puree), I finally made a pumpkin classic -- Pumpkin Bread. Although usually made with walnuts or pecans, I instead … [Read more...]
Skinny Iced Pumpkin Cookies & Review of Melt Buttery Spread
One of the huge downsides of my pumpkin obsession is that most of the sweets made with pumpkin really should be eaten in moderation (something I am not capable of adhering to). So I am always in … [Read more...]
Stuffed Pumpkin with Cranberry Raisin Bread Pudding
When I came across the title of this recipe, I was intrigued. I wasn't sure if this would actually be a success, but it sounded so interesting I had to give it a try. So behold, Stuffed Pumpkin … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Pie Milkshakes & Making Your Own Pumpkin Puree
After visiting several supermarkets in search of pumpkin puree only to find they were sold out, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Amy's Cooking Adventure had instructions on how to make my … [Read more...]
Godiva Coffee – Pumpkin Spice & Caramel Pecan Bark
I am in love with fall, it is by far my favorite time of year. It is the only time of year I can give into my love of all things pumpkins and not get funny looks. Sadly, I feel like the autumn season … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes
I am so excited that pumpkin season is back, and to share this recipe for Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting! I eat/drink pumpkin flavored things all year, but September … [Read more...]
Salted Caramel Brownies
Hurricane Irene has forced me to stay indoors for most of today, which means I've resorted to cooking/baking to keep me occupied. Today's creation is another Cooking Light recipe for Salted Caramel … [Read more...]
Strawberry Prosecco Pops
Coming back to the Philadelphia heat after nearly two weeks in Ireland was a bit of a shock to my system. I was in desperate need for a way to cool down, and what better way than through a cool … [Read more...]
Dark Chocolate ROOT Cake
I have wanted to try to incorporate ROOT into my cooking for a while now. ROOT is basically the alcoholic version of root beer. For the history/back-story, check out their website. Here is also a … [Read more...]
Grilled Watermelon
We kind of went on a grilling spree this week. (And by "we" I mean my boyfriend and his roommate. I only did the prep work.) We were throwing basically anything on there. Burgers, chicken, … [Read more...]
Berries with Lemon Mint Syrup
I came across this recipe while researching different ways to incorporate mint into my meals. This dish sounds like the perfect summer dessert, so I thought I'd give this one a try. Ingredients … [Read more...]
Chocolate Mint Pudding
Chocolate Mint Pudding. Need I say more? This recipe is actually really easy, and it tastes amazing. I made a few changes to the original recipe depending on what I had on hand. Ingredients: 3 … [Read more...]