Overnight Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding Jars

My husband really likes chia seeds. He will even just add them to water and have them that way. As (un)appealing as that sounds, I’ve been trying to incorporate them into some recipes that make the most of chia seeds while being a bit more… tasty, like this recipe for Overnight Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding Jars.

Overnight Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding Jars

Chia seeds are pretty bland, so they are easy to add to recipes without impacting taste. When soaked in a liquid, they expand and thicken whatever liquid they are added into, making them perfect for pudding or jam.

This recipe for Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding is an easy make ahead recipe for breakfast on the go. My husband and I just grab one of these pre-made jars and bring with us to work to eat.

Note: this recipe makes 4 (16 oz) jars or 8 (8 oz) jars, depending on how large you want your servings


  • 1 (32 oz) container Vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • 2 (14 oz) cans light coconut milk
  • 1 cup chia seeds
  • pinch of salt

Optional toppings:

  • granola
  • fresh fruit (I used blueberries and strawberries)
  • coconut flakes
  • sliced almonds

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Overnight Chocolate Chia Pudding

I have such a sweet tooth. Seriously, if I could get away with eating ice cream and only ice cream for the rest of my life, I probably would. So, I am constantly looking for ways to satisfy my sweet tooth without, well, eating a pint of ice cream.

Cue this recipe for Overnight Chocolate Chia Pudding — its dairy-free, gluten free, and vegan. And, it tastes amazing!

The Coconut Almond Whipped Cream really puts it over the top. But the pudding is pret-ty darn awesome on its own!


Chocolate Chia Pudding:

  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips (check the label to make sure they are vegan)
  • 1/2 cup chia seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup

Coconut Almond Whipped Cream:

  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 2-4 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond extract

Continue reading Overnight Chocolate Chia Pudding

Overnight Iced Coffee

This post is sponsored by Equal. All opinions are my own.

I love coffee. No,  I need coffee. And in the summer, I crave iced coffee, but don’t want to have to go to a coffee shop every time I have a hankering (that can really add up!)


Really solid iced coffee is made strong enough to stand up to the ice as it melts. I also prefer a really strong brew so that I can add sweetener and half and half to make the perfect iced beverage. So overnight iced coffee is a simple and awesome option, plus it’s ready for you in the morning!


Overnight iced coffee is cold brewed; the ground coffee “brews” in the water overnight to give a rich deep flavor, and is really easy to make. I was sent a summer beverage kit from Equal to get ready for all the delicious drinks of summer and thought this would be the perfect time to try out an overnight coffee using the kit and Equal 0-calorie sweetener!



Equal 0-Calorie Sweetener pairs wonderfully with a strong brewed iced coffee. Equal packets are concentrated (1 packet = the sweetness of 2 teaspoons sugar) while Equal Spoonful measures cup for cup. Equal is a great option to sweeten recipes without adding calories! (For more recipes using Equal, check out their recipe page.)



The summer beverage kit includes:

  • Equal® 0-calorie sweetener 115-ct boxes
  • Equal® Spoonful 4-oz. “Easy Pour” Container (226 servings)
  • Takeya Flash Chill Tea Maker
  • Republic of Tea Green tea sachets
  • Blended iced coffee packets
  • Cool Peach Iced Tea Recipe Card from The Diabetic Chef® Chef Chris Smith
  • Equal® Recipe Guide Booklet
  • Equal® iPad holder



I decided to use the Takeya Flash Chill Tea Maker to make the overnight iced coffee and sweetened my coffee with Equal Spoonful. The Tea Maker has a built in Tea Infuser which also works great to hold the coffee grounds. (Equal is also providing one reader with a kit of their own! Details after the recipe…)



  • 10 tablespoons coarsely ground coffee
  • ~2 quarts water
  • ice cubes (or coffee ice cubes)
  • 3 tablespoons Equal Spoonful 0-calorie sweetener (or 4 Equal packets)
  • 1/4 cup creamer or half and half
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

Continue reading Overnight Iced Coffee

Shish Kabobs with Rice

This weekend I was given quite the culinary challenge: make a meal for ten people without breaking the bank. I would be feeding everyone at the beach, so my mind immediately went to Shish Kabobs with Rice (I want summer and barbecues to be here so badly!). This is a great option for vegetarians as well, always a plus.

Living in the city does not mean you can’t enjoy this recipe. If you have a little indoor grill, that will work just fine. Due to the poor weather we had this weekend, we actually ended up broiling the shish kabobs in the oven, which worked just fine.

Ingredients (serves 10):

  • 3 pints cherry tomatoes
  • 1 bag of pearl onions, peeled (quick tip below)
  • 2 green bell peppers
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 orange pepper
  • 2 8 oz packages of whole mushrooms (I used cremini)
  • 1 large zucchini
  • 2 large summer squash
  • 5 lbs top sirloin steak, cut into cubes
  • 10 cups chicken stock (ideally, use vegetable stock to keep veggies truly vegetarian)
  • 5 cups rice

Ingredients for marinade:

  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of the following dried spices: thyme, basil, oregano, marjoram
  • 2/3 cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 3/4 cup oil
  • 3/4 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1 2/3 cup red wine (an inexpensive table wine is fine)
  • 5 bay leaves
  • 1 large onion, thinly sliced
  • 6-8 drops tabasco sauce

Continue reading Shish Kabobs with Rice

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