Pumpkin Sticky Buns with Caramel-Pecan Drizzle

Today I wrote my first guest post over at A Culinary Journey with Chef Dennis. His page is truly stunning so I am honored to be the guest post this week. Stop on by Chef Dennis’ blog to see my post on Pumpkin Sticky Buns with Caramel-Pecan drizzle!
I think you are well aware of my pumpkin obsession by now (I have twelve other posts on here using pumpkin!) so I really wanted to do something special to round out my bakers dozen of pumpkin recipes. The recipe does take some time, so this would definitely be a weekend choice. But you can refrigerate the dough or even freeze it once it is shaped into the sticky buns. I hope you enjoy my post!

8 thoughts on “Pumpkin Sticky Buns with Caramel-Pecan Drizzle”

  1. Yay! Congrats on being asked to do a guest post — and you can’t go wrong when you take pumpkin and cinnamon and wrap them up in luscious layers of bread. 🙂

  2. WOW congratulations, such an honor to be asked to guest post for Chef Dennis and a fabulous post at that! Heading over to check it out now! Also feel free to stop by my blog and check out the $50 Williams-Sonoma gift card giveaway going on right now! xoxo

  3. I am so happy for you, what a wonderful guest post with Chef Dennis. He is a charmer isn’t he? Your Pumkin Sticky Bun looks so gooey and yummy delicous. Have a great weekend.

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